Wednesday, April 11, 2012

For a Burger Your Way, Grill Them at Home

Whether you like your burgers big and juicy or small and well done - nobody can make a burger exactly as you want it better than you.

Don't be intimidated by the process, if your don't get it right the first time just try again.

I call this burger to the right the felberBOMB (out of respect to my friend who created it).

Making the burger is simple - just follow a few easy steps. 

  1. Go out and buy your ground beef. Remember the right amount of fat is key - for this burger we used lean ground beef with 15 percent fat.
  2. Season the meat to your liking - we seasoned ours with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
  3. Shape the patties carefully. Make sure you don't squeeze them too hard to ensure great taste. Once you have them all set, place your thumb in the center and gently push down. This makes sure that the grilling bubble that forms in the center of the patty will not misshapen the burger. This will keep it cooked evenly.
  4. Preheat your grill - make sure its hot before you begin cooking.
  5. Start grilling. Cooking times will vary based on the grill but we grilled ours for about four minutes on each side - giving us a nice rare burger. Make sure to not push the burger down with the spatula and to only flip once. This will ensure a nice and juicy patty. A minute before the patties are done, put on your cheese. Also if you like a toasted bun now is a great time to toast them on the grill.
  6. Prepare your favorite toppings and start eating.

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