Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kobe: A Deliciously Pampered Cow

Kobe beef is beef unlike any other. It comes from the Japanese Wagyu breed of cow, and has unique genetics that make the meat known for its rich and tender flavor. These genetics produce fat throughout the cow's muscle creating a marbling that gives it superior flavor.

The cows here are given the royal treatment. They are strictly grass fed and stress free. They are even given beer as a means of enhancing their appetites. Farmers also massage the cow - this ensures that the meat will remain tender and the cow stays relaxed.

Although there are different regions that raise Wagyu cattle, genuine Kobe beef comes from Kobe, Japan. Because of the cow's high maintenance lifestyle and strict exporting laws of the beef in Japan, Kobe beef has a high price tag - costing up to $100 per pound. 

Kobe burgers can be found in some restaurants across the country including Prime 112 and Kobe Club in Miami.  

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